KCHS is introducing a new platform to communicate with our families called Plus Portals, by Rediker. We will no longer be using Edline.
Plus Portals is a cloud-based application integrated with the KCHS student information system. This application provides access to student class pages where you will be able to see your students' grades, progress reports, schedules, attendance and discipline records along with teacher contact information.
It also makes available school-wide information such as event dates, school announcements, and resources (forms, handbooks, etc). Please look for the activation email and click on the link to set up your Plus Portals account.
Learn to track your child's classroom progress, communicate with teachers, and stay updated on what's happening at school through our hands-on interactive guides and videos.
The ParentPlus web portal connects parents and students with schools and teachers. As a parent, you can quickly stay informed about what's happening at the school and your children's classes—from knowing if the school is closed on a given day to seeing how well your child did on his or her last homework or exam. With features such as E-Locker, uploading homework as a parent or student is a breeze and only a few clicks away.
Check out these interactive guides to help you learn to navigate the new portal!
- Home
- Kolbe Tech Overview
- Student Resources
- Teacher Resources
- Websites for Subjects
- Admin Resources
- iPad Resources
- SMART Resources
- Virtual Classrooms
- STEM/Programming
- Dropbox
- Presentation Tools
- Apple TV
- Story Boards
- Video Conferencing
- Mobile Tools
- Video Tools
- Microsoft Office Suite
- Library/Books
- Note-Taking
- Online Research
- Citations, Bibliographies, Works Cited
- Electronic Databases
- KCHS Email
- Google Drive/Docs
- Google Chromecast
- Chromebooks
- Google Admin: Apps & Chromebooks
- Google Classroom
- Google Calendar
- Plus Portals
- 3-D Printing