Teacher Resources

Social platform for students & teachers


Google Docs
Real-time online collaboration

Create our own private wiki

Create your own social network

Classroom 2.0
Online community for teachers

Desktop sharing & collaboration

SMART Board Revolution
Whiteboard file-sharing

Share & remix media—legally

CK-12 provides open-source content and technology tools to help teachers provide learning opportunities for students globally.  Free access to high-quality, customizable educational content in multiple modalities suited to multiple student learning styles and levels will allow teachers, students and others to innovate and experiment with new models of learning. CK-12 helps students and teachers alike by enabling rapid customization and experimentation of teaching and learning styles.

Collect web resources in one place and share with just one link
Measure student understanding with built-in quizzes
Monitor student progress and adapt to student needs in real-time

"Edutopia is dedicated to transforming the learning process by helping educators implement the strategies below. These strategies -- and the educators who implement them -- are empowering students to think critically, access and analyze information, creatively problem solve, work collaboratively, and communicate with clarity and impact. Discover the resources, research, experts, and fellow Edutopia members who are changing our schools. Join us in reinventing the learning process!"
Check out this section on Technology Integration!

Need to organize your online resources? LiveBinders allows you to create virtual binders of all your resources in one convenient, online place!

Modern Chalk Board provides educators with free interactive whiteboard lessons to be used with SMART Notebook software versions 9.5 or later!

"You can introduce or augment technology skills with these lesson plans for teachers. They’re ready to use as they are, or you can customize them to fit your specific teaching and learning goals."

"Find Lesson Plans for Your SMART Board and Connect with Teachers" You don't have to reinvent the wheel; with SMART Exchange you can find tons of lessons for your SMART Board for free!