
High Tech Schools: 7 Innovative Ways Teachers Are Using Tech In The Classroom

"Many schools across the country have rules about tech in the classroom, but they’re not the rules you might think. Teachers instruct students to take out their smartphones, to power up their iPads, and to log in to Twitter."  Read more! (Huffington Post)


10 Ways to use Mobile Devices in the Classroom


  1. Use as a research tool (for web-enabled devices)
  2. Snap a photo: Of notes on the board in class, of assignments, etc
  3. Use e-books and other digital materials as alternatives to lugging around tons of heavy books
  4. SMS Chat Room: Teachers can use free group messaging apps (there are a ton of them out there) to create group chat rooms for classes
  5. Share photos of field trips or projects either via aforementioned SMS chat rooms or via a blog or app
  6. Darn! Google has shut down the SMS messaging service mentioned in number 6 of this graphic
  7. Use smartphones as mobile diaries: Set reminders, make notes, and organize schedules using a variety of free apps and tools that often come loaded on the device
  8. Track student behavior
  9. Call a friend: Connect with guest speakers or other classrooms via skype
  10. Scan QR codes for a scavenger hunt, or use them as a reference point for assignments and projects


The Teacher's Quick Guide to Digital Scavenger Hunts

"If you’ve got a smartphone or a tablet in your classroom, you’re ready for the adventure to begin! By adventure I mean, of course, the world of active learning through digital scavenger hunts. In this hunt, students are tasked with finding a particular physical object, person, or place and have to use technology to track it down. Note: an ‘online scavenger hunt’ usually implies that you’re hunting around online and not physically with classmates. For the purpose of this article, I’m focusing on the physical version I’ve dubbed ‘digital scavenger hunts’." Click here to see how!



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