
Hour of Code

Join Mrs. Grover in Computer Lab Room 301 from 2 to 3 Wednesday 12/10, Thursday 12/11 and/or Friday 12/12 to participate the nationwide Hour of Code. Learn how to code using the characters from Frozen, Angry Bird, Flappy Bird and more. Snacks will be provided. There will also be a raffle! Everyone welcomed (teachers included!!)

Next week, participate in the Hour of Code by following a coding curriculum with your students created by teacher Alexandra Vlachakis and student Ty Simpson of Sandy Creek High School in Georgia. Designed to familiarize students with JAVA, a language that is used in the professional world, the curriculum consists of three simple assignments:
·  Hello World - Your very first Java program, but with a twist
·  Transforming Images - Build your very own Instagram
·  Create Your Very Own Flag - Build your own Hour Of Code flag
Hosted on Vocareum <codeLMS>, an online coding management system that is integrated with Edmodo, you can access this curriculum using your existing Edmodo username and password, making it even easier to get your students involved! 

To get started, watch this video from Alex and Ty. For additional assistance, Alex will be hosting a few Google Hangout sessions this week to help familiarize teachers with the content and the platform. Sign up by sending your name, email address and timeslot you would like to attend to hourofcode@vocareum.com and get ready to bring the 21st century to your students!
·  Thursday - 12:00pm ET
·  Thursday - 6:00pm ET
·  Friday - 11:00am ET

These details will also be posted to the Edmodo Hour of Code Community. If you have not yet joined the community, be sure to do so and share your experience with us during the Hour of Code next week!